329 Lennox Street Richmond
03 9427 8090
If you’re suffering from back, neck or shoulder pain and are in need of a local Osteo to help you from your discomfort, Richmond osteopathy clinic is a short distance from Hawthorn and has a wide range of certified Osteos available to treat you.
Getting to Richmond-Osteopathic Clinic is easy and you have many options from Hawthorn.
There is plenty of street parking that is free for 2 hours. We’ll make sure to have you in and out before you can be given a ticket by the traffic inspectors.
If you arrive at Richmond Osteo Clinic early or feel so great after your treatment that you wish to relax with a coffee, there are plenty of great cafes close to the Swan Street and Burnley Street corner. A popular cafe loved by all our staff and patients is just over 200m called Brother Burnley.
You can see a comprehensive list of our osteopathic treatments but here is a summary:
All of the Osteopath’s at the Richmond Osteopathic Clinic graduated from Victoria University in Melbourne, undertaking a five year double degree (Bachelor of Science and a Master of Health Science – majoring in Osteoapthy). This extensive training has resulted in a thorough knowledge base, with emphasis placed upon anatomy, physiology, bio-chemistry and biomechanics; along with the mechanism of injuries sustained to the musculo-skeletal system, and the appropriate treatment and management of these injuries.
Meet Our Osteo DoctorsWe are located at 329 Lennox Street, Richmond 3121