329 Lennox Street Richmond
03 9427 8090
Neck and shoulder pain is a common complaint that can have a significant impact upon our daily lives. At the Richmond Osteopathic Clinic we help to relieve you of your neck and shoulder pain to get you back functioning as best you can throughout your day.
Our osteopathic treatment will aim to help improve the function and movement of the shoulder and neck area. This is done by massaging and decreasing any tension there is in the neck or shoulder area. Our Osteos will also give advice on posture issues and further rehabilitation techniques.
All of the Osteopath’s at the Richmond Osteopathic Clinic graduated from Victoria University, undertaking a five year double degree (Bachelor of Science and a Master of Health Science – majoring in Osteoapthy). Their extensive training has resulted in thorough knowledge base, with emphasis placed upon anatomy, physiology, bio-chemistry and biomechanics; along with history taking, musculo-skeletal assessment and a thorough understanding of the mechanisms of injuries.
Meet Our Osteo DoctorsWe are located at 329 Lennox Street, Richmond 3121